Welcome to the St. Anthony of Padua Office of Religious Education (SAPORE)!
St. Anthony of Padua Religious Education & Faith Formation programs is structured to provide catechetical instruction on the Catholic faith to all parish children Kinder through 12th Grade who are attending non-Catholic schools.
Parents, by word and example, are the primary teacher of their children and teach them from birth throughout life. At Baptism, the parent undertakes the responsibility of providing for their child’s Christian formation. The Religious Education staff is here to assist parents in the spiritual formation and ongoing moral development of their child through a formal program of continuous religious education.
At St. Anthony of Padua, we seek to provide catechesis and skills for each child to grow and mature in understanding, positive attitudes, and faithful practice of the Catholic faith. Through the process of catechetical instruction, we hope to deepen the faith and sense of belonging to the Catholic Church in our children, so that they will be moved to sharing of their time, talent and treasure in the life of the Church, now and throughout their lives. We strive to assist children in committing themselves to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ characterized by a vigorous sacramental life, a lifelong pattern of prayer, Christian service, and growth in understanding the Catholic faith. This process is achieved with the joint efforts of our parish staff, catechists, parents, and students.
Committed to the TRINITARIAN partnership between Parish Staff, Catechists and Families, we place the work of our hands and our hearts with confidence in name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Our English and Spanish Catechists
First Reconciliation
Martha Aviles Saturday RE Class for Grades 1-3 during Holy Week
Pentecost Sunday
First Holy Communion (June 2023)
Grades 6-8 class of Amy Lucas Palanca Grades 2-4 of Marisa Villalobos and Luz Gomez