If you wish to help a poor family enjoy a Thanksgiving meal, please pick a “turkey” from our “Turkey Tree” which is located in the front of the Church. Bring the items that are written on the “turkey” to the Rectory. Please bring your donations before November 24. Thank you!
Bundle Sunday, November 8th, St. Vincent de Paul
On Sunday November 8th, our Parish is having a Bundle Sunday for the Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores. Please bring your usable clothing and usable household items on that day. The truck will be in the church parking lot from 8 am to 1 pm. Please help in their endless effort to help the needy. Thank you!
2015 Summer Scripture Study Series
The St. Anthony of Padua Summer Scripture Study Series is an opportunity for adults and young adults who want to renew or expand their understanding of Scripture. The series is presented by our pastor, Rev. George Aguilera. This summer, Fr. George will break open The Book of Revelation written by John the Beloved Apostle, addressed to Christian communities in Asia Minor. It is an example of prophecy in the best biblical sense of the word – God speaking to God’s people. As an example of apocalyptic literature, it shares many features with other Jewish and Christian writing in this genre.
In this night-week series, Fr. George will explore the power of the book’s elusive and intriguing symbolic language, the cosmic scope of its narrative, and the beauty of its liturgical worship. Although the nearness of the end times is woven into the fabric of the entire book, it is a timeless expression of the hope (not fear) that God will soon intervene on behalf of God’s people as God had consistently done in the past.
Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence – June 13th
Join the celebration! St. Anthony Padua School will be celebrating 75 years of excellence at “The 75th Diamond Anniversary Reunion Celebration Gala” on Saturday June 13th. For the latest information, please go to our Facebook page for the 75th Anniversary Gala.
Donation Opportunities – “Knowledge is Power” when put to good use! Partner with education by supporting the school children with your heartfelt donation. Click here for detailed information on how you can make a difference!
Additional Registration Information – Please click here for a flyer with more detailed information on purchasing tickets.
Parish Lenten Series 2015 / Misión Cuaresma 2015
Christmas and New Years Mass Schedule
Our Christmas and New Years mass schedule for 2014/2015 is as follows:
Advent Masses, Wednesday December 24 – 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24
- 5:30 pm – Children’s Mass
- 9 pm – Misa de Noche Buena
- 11:30 pm-Christmas Carols begin in the Church
- 12:00 Midnight – Solemn Midnight Mass
Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25
- 7:30 am – English
- 9:00 am – Spanish
- 11:00 am – English
- 1:00 pm – Spanish
- 5:30 pm – English
New Years Eve, Wednesday, December 31
- 6:30 am – English
- 8:00 am – English
- 5:30 pm English
- 7:00 pm – Spanish
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Thursday, January 1, 2015
- 11:00 am – English
- 1:00 pm — Spanish
Mass Schedule for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Summer Scripture Study Series Starts July 7th
Blessing of Graduating Students – June 29th
The LIFE TEEN and EDGE program invites all those who are graduating from middle school through college to come and joins us for a blessing to all graduates. It will take place on June 29, 2014 at the 5:30pm Mass. Those wishing to participate, please contact the Office of Youth Ministry.