St. Anthony of Padua Church Christmas and New Year’s Mass Schedules are as follows:

Saint Anthony of Padua Church, Gardena, CA
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St. Anthony of Padua Church Christmas and New Year’s Mass Schedules are as follows:
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We remember Sister Ann Stephen Stouffer, who had been a Sister of Providence for 61 years and served as a teacher and principal at St. Anthony of Padua School. She passed away on December 9, 2021.
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Are you interested in having your child obtain a Catholic Education here at St. Anthony of Padua? Did you know your child could be eligible for a Tuition Award of up to $2500!
Apply TODAY! A Catholic education is truly an investment in your child’s future.
For information on how to apply, visit our St. Anthony of Padua School website: Or call the school office (310) 329-7170 and speak with our Principal Mrs. Grey or Business Manager Mr. Aguilar.
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Dear St. Anthony of Padua School and Church Community Family,
We have an exciting announcement! We’ve partnered again with HundredX™ to bring an easy way to support our school’s mission without spending a cent!
Now through December 30, 2021, each time you share a quality brand opinion with HundredX™, up to $2 will go to support St. Anthony of Padua School!
Anyone 18 years of age or older can participate. By giving 75 opinions (it takes less than 1 minute of your time per survey) you can personally raise up to $150 for St. Anthony of Padua School.
Start today when you sign up your phone or devices: Text 90412 and enter the code: SAPS.
Thank you for your support of St. Anthony of Padua School…we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy 2022.
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Archbishop José H. Gomez sent out a letter on June 12, 2021 encouraging the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to return to in-person Sunday Mass and the celebration of the Sacraments, especially for those who are in good health. Below is a link to the letter from Archbishop Gomez, as well as a link to the Archdiocese’s “Guidelines on Liturgical Celebrations and Religious Services”.
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With faith and hope in the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we regret to inform you of the death of Deacon Antonio Huerta, who entered into eternal life on Thursday, May 27, after an almost year long battle with cancer. He was 75 years old.
Deacon Antonio was born on All Souls Day 1945 in Jalisco, Mexico. He was one of ten children. He married his wife Martha on September 27, 1974. They began raising their family in Lawndale, California as parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Gardena.
He was ordained a deacon by Cardinal Mahony in 2002. As a deacon for his parish he performed baptisms almost every week and conducted most of the graveside ceremonies. He served as deacon at both Spanish Masses every Sunday and also other major parish Masses. He attended and participated in staff meetings.
He came down with cancer almost a year ago. The family was told he had three months to live but his strong spirit kept him with us for almost a year. His love, joy, faith, and inner peace are an inspiration to all who knew him.
Please pray for his eternal repose. And please pray for comfort to his beloved wife, Martha; five daughters, Susan, Gabriela, Diane, Marisol, and Martha; one son, Sergio; and 13 grandchildren.
Funeral Services are as follows:
First Friday, June 4, 2021
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
1050 West 163th Street
Gardena, CA 90247
Office: (310)327-5830
Priests/Deacons wishing to concelebrate are invited to vest in alb and white stole.
First Saturday, June 5, 2021
Condolence cards may be sent to:
Mrs. Martha Huerta
c/o St. Anthony of Padua Parish
1050 West 163th Street
Gardena, CA 90247
In charity and kindness, please remember Deacon Antonio and his family in your Masses and prayers.
Con fe y esperanza en la Resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, lamentamos informarles del fallecimiento del Diácono Antonio Huerta, quien entró a la vida eterna el jueves 27 de mayo, luego de casi un año de batalla contra el cáncer. Tenía 75 años.
El diácono Antonio nació el Día de los Muertos en 1945 en Jalisco, México. Fue uno de diez hijos. Se casó con su esposa Martha el 27 de septiembre de 1974. Comenzaron a criar a su familia en Lawndale, California como feligreses de la parroquia St. Anthony of Padua en Gardena.
Fue ordenado diácono por el cardenal Mahony en el 2002. Como diácono de su parroquia, realizaba bautismos casi todas las semanas y dirigía la mayoría de las ceremonias junto a la tumba. Sirvió como diácono en ambas misas en español todos los domingos y también en otras misas parroquiales importantes. Asistió y participó en reuniones de personal.
Contrajo cáncer hace casi un año. A la familia le dijeron que le quedaban tres meses de vida, pero su fuerte espíritu lo mantuvo con nosotros durante casi un año. Su amor, alegría, fe y paz interior son una inspiración para todos los que lo conocieron.
Ore por su eterno reposo. Y por favor ore pidiendo consuelo a su amada esposa, Martha; cinco hijas, Susan, Gabriela, Diane, Marisol y Martha; un hijo, Sergio; y 13 nietos.
Los servicios funerarios son los siguientes:
Primer viernes 4 de junio de 2021
Parroquia de San Antonio de Padua
1050 West 163th Street
Gardena, CA 90247
Oficina: (310)327-5830
Los sacerdotes / diáconos que deseen concelebrar están invitados a vestirse con alba y estola blanca.
Primer sábado, 5 de junio de 2021
Las tarjetas de condolencia pueden enviarse a:
Sra. Martha Huerta
c/o Parroquia de San Antonio de Padua
1050 West 163th Street
Gardena, CA 90247
Con caridad y bondad, recuerden al Diácono Antonio y su familia en sus Misas y oraciones.
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The following is a letter from our Pastor, Monsignor Sal Pilato, regarding the transition back in Church.
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The 2021 Holy Week schedule for St. Anthony of Padua Church is as follows:
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The schedule for Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Gardena, will be as follows:
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Below are the current St. Anthony of Padua parish office and church schedules.
1050 163rd St.
Gardena, CA 90247
Phone: 310-327-5830
1003 163rd St.
Gardena, CA 90247
Phone: 310-329-7170
1044 163rd St.
Gardena, CA 90247
Phone: 310-329-8654